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信息来源   时间: 2019-11-14  浏览次数:126


10. Canada 加拿大

From Reuters

Canada comes in as the third nation in the world to drink the most coffee. It is the land of Tim Horton’s, after all. Where once a traditional brewed coffee was the norm, now specialty espresso drinks are taking center stage.

加拿大是世界上咖啡消费总量排名第三的国家,同时也是知名咖啡连锁品牌 Tim Horton的发源地。在过去,加拿大人更习惯喝滴滤咖啡;而如今,精品意式浓缩咖啡以风靡全国。

 9. Iceland 冰岛

From Lucas Jackson / Reuters

It is tied to celebrations in much the same way that booze is for other cultures. And just so you really understand how much they love the stuff, decaf is not really a thing that’s offered in Iceland.


8. Ireland 爱尔兰

From The Washington Post via Getty Images

Ireland is predominately a tea-drinking nation — after Turkey, Irish people drink the most tea in the world. One thing we do know (and love) about Irish coffee: they were the first to famously put whiskey in it .


7.Netherlands 荷兰

From Reza Estakhrian via Getty Images

Some say the Dutch love coffee almost as much as the British love tea.


6. Singapore 新加坡

Singapore likes kopi — a dark, full bodied brew, that is less bitter than its Vietnamese neighbor. They drink up to six cups a day and they like it hot, freshly roasted and sweetened with condensed milk.


 5. Denmark 丹麦

Danes love to get together for coffee-hygge — and there is a lot to learn about them from that alone.


 4. Germany 德国

From Morris MacMatzen / Reuters

Germans drink an average of 150 liters of coffee per year, per capita, which might mean they drink more coffee than they do beer or even water. They love this caffeinated brew — and they usually like it brewed as espresso. No drip coffee here.


3. Switzerland 瑞典

From Bruno Raffa / EyeEm via Getty Images

The Swiss like their coffee strong and robust. Dark roast espresso and “kaffee crème” — which a long espresso-based drink with milk — are the most popular ways to drink coffee in Switzerland.


2. Australia 澳大利亚

From goglik83 via Getty Images

This is a nation of self-professed coffee snobs. They’re huge fans of the flat white (which Starbucks released stateside). While Americans guzzle drip coffee as a way to fuel up for a work day, Australians associate coffee with wellness, socializing and practicing mindfulness. It’s about quality espressos, not cream and sugar.

在澳大利亚,每个人都是咖啡专家,他们喜欢 Flat White,在他们看来,咖啡可不仅仅是维持每天工作生活的燃料,更是健康、社交和思想的代言词。

1. Norway 挪威

Coffee is made from lightly roasted beans, which brew an elegant, tea-like drink. It is served black, without milk or sugar. No lattes here.



brew 英 [bruː]  美 [brʊ]  vt. 酿造;酝酿

espresso 英 [e'spresəʊ]  美 [eˈspresoʊ]  n.(用汽加压煮出的)浓咖啡

booze 英 [buːz]  美 n. 酒;酒宴

decaf 英 ['diːkæf]  美  n. 无咖啡因咖啡;脱因咖啡(等于decaffeinated coffee)

hygge n. 舒适及令人满足的感觉或环境

(这个单词是丹麦独有的词汇,也是当地独有的文化。很难找到一个英语或者汉语的词汇去精准诠释。hygge 指一种精神状态或者一种生活方式,“采菊东篱下,悠然见南山”就是这种 hygge 的生活方式。丹麦作为代表的北欧国家是公认的世界上生活水准最高、人民感受最幸福的国家。他们偏安一隅、与世无争、享受生命中一切美好的精神状态,就是hygge)

caffeinated ['kæfiəneitid] adj. 含咖啡因的;受鼓舞的

snob 英 [snɒb]  美 [snɑb]  n. 势利小人,势利眼;假内行

stateside 英 ['steɪtsaɪd]  美 adj. 美国本土的adv. 在美国国内

guzzle 英 ['gʌz(ə)l]  美  vt. 狂饮;暴食

lattes n. 拿铁咖啡


